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Dongguan Heling Electronics Co., Ltd

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How Do I connect an RJ45 connector?

2023-02-10 13:39:43

When two devices of the same type are connected using an RJ45 port, cross-wire connections are required. When two devices of the same type are connected using an RJ45 port, cross-wire connections are required. Mechanical performance, RJ45 network connector cohesion function, plug and pull is an important mechanical function. The insertion force is divided into push force and pull force (pull force also known as the Separation Force) , the requirements of the two are different. RJ45 connector, there are 100 trillion, gigabit, ten million points. In daily life, we often use 100 Mbit/s and Gigabit network. Most of the RJ45 connectors and adapters are made from the more common materials used for network cables. Most adapters are made from a combination of plastic housing and some gold wire terminals welded and molded. But even so, don't underestimate the ability of such a widget to effectively connect a device to a network signal. According to the different application, can be divided into can be divided into type and can not be divided into type. Separability includes the number of mating cycles that an RJ45 connector must provide for one RJ45 network connector and to mate with another without affecting its performance.


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Dongguan Hop Ling Electronics Co. , Ltd.

Phone: 0769-85354552 

Mobile: 18028222818 

fax: 0769-85354553 

email: Sales04.Lmj@dgheling.Biz 

address: 3 Qilong Road, Xiabian Avenue, Changan Town, Dongguan
