It is mainly affected by insulation material, temperature, humidity, contamination, test voltage and the duration of continuous test voltage. (1) the insulation material of RJ45 connector it is very important to choose what kind of insulation material when designing electrical RJ45 connector, it often affects whether the insulation resistance of subsequent products can be stable and qualified. If a factory used acetaldehyde glass fiber plastics and reinforced nylon and other materials to make insulators, these materials contain polar genes, hygroscopicity, insulation performance at room temperature can meet product requirements, and the insulation performance is not qualified under high temperature and humidity. After that, special engineering plastic PES (polyphenylene ether sulfone) material was used. The insulation resistance of the product changed little after 200 ° C 1000h and 240H moisture test, but it was still above 105M ω, and there was no abnormal change. (2) the high temperature of RJ45 connector will destroy the insulation material, cause the insulation resistance and voltage resistance to reduce, to the metal shell, high temperature can make the contact lose elasticity, accelerate the oxidation and occur the coating deterioration. For example, for GJB598 series 2 environment resistant fast detachable electrical connectors, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 5000mω when the insulation resistance is specified at 25 ° C and shall be reduced to not less than 500mω when the high temperature is 200 ° C. (3) the moisture environment of RJ45 connector causes the water vapor absorption and diffusion on the insulator surface, which makes the insulation resistance lower than M ω. Long-term exposure to high temperature will cause physical deformation, decomposition and release products of insulators, resulting in respiratory effect and electrolytic corrosion and cracking.
Dongguan Hop Ling Electronics Co. , Ltd.
Phone: 0769-85354552
Mobile: 18028222818
fax: 0769-85354553
email: Sales04.Lmj@dgheling.Biz
address: 3 Qilong Road, Xiabian Avenue, Changan Town, Dongguan